In spite of popular belief, physical therapy does not involve risky or unpleasant procedures. Physical therapy is an innovative health profession which deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of various physical impairments. A certified physical therapist degree normally equips a patient with the necessary skills to undertake all these activities. A physically impaired person requires strength and flexibility to carry out day-to-day activities. The most common ailments associated with the spine are degenerative disc disease and herniated discs, which require special treatment and rehabilitation services.
There are many times that we hear about physical therapy myths, which are sometimes taken seriously by patients or by health practitioners. These range from age-old wives’ tales to Hollywood myths, but whatever be the source, these misconceptions persist because they do not have any scientific basis. They are usually part of the patient’s misconception of the treatment plan. It is important to critically analyze treatment plans and select ones that go with the patient’s need and progress. Disc disorders, muscular weakness, hip fractures, and brain injuries are some of the common injuries treated by physical therapists.
A large number of physical therapy myths surround different aspects of the job. Some of these include the belief that physical therapists diagnose and treat patients; that physical therapists determine a treatment plan; that physical therapists create a personalized treatment plan for each patient; that physical therapists keep records of each patient’s progress; and that physical therapists demand pampering or giving patients special attention. All these are common myths that are exposed in this article.
One of the most popular myths surrounding physical therapy treatment is that physical therapists diagnose and treat patients. While this is true, the extent of this task varies from professional to professional. The best way to approach the task is to have a goal of providing accurate, objective, and thorough assessment of one’s patient. If there is no clear-cut plan, then it is better to consult the guidance of a doctor or medical professional.
Another myth involves the notion that physical therapists create a personalized treatment program for each patient. This is not true because different individuals have different requirements in terms of recovery. According to the American Physical Therapy Association, physical therapists should only “evaluate current physical therapy practice, identify individual goals, and create a plan based on those goals”.
One common myth is that it is expensive to join a physical therapy and rehabilitation center. Actually, joining one is cheaper than taking a home exercise program. Many physical therapy centers offer a wide range of affordable options, including discounted fees for signing up multiple times. Home exercise programs are also less expensive than one-time payments for a full physical therapist visit. The majority of centers offer financial incentives for new clients who enroll in their home exercise program.
A final myth surrounds the idea that physical therapy takes too much time. This is simply not true, as most physical therapy appointments only take about thirty minutes to two hours, depending on the situation. Physical therapists are not medical professionals who spend all day diagnosing and treating patients. They are fully equipped to deal with most any situation that comes their way.
When it comes to healing, it is always important to arm yourself with information. The information provided here can help to arm you with this information so that you can arm yourself with the knowledge needed to be an informed consumer. When it comes to seeking treatment for a physical condition, it is important to choose wisely. It is never too early to start a regimen of health maintenance. The top physical therapy myths are things you need to know to arm yourself with the tools to become the strong, smart, and independent individual you can be.