Physiotherapists are trained in the medical science of the human body. These doctors examine, diagnose and treat disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Physiotherapists perform diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises that are used to restore normal function to the injured body part. They also perform specialized procedures such as electrotherapy and orthopedic manipulation. This job requires them to be experts in the various skills needed for their field. To become a physiotherapist, you must first complete an accredited physiotherapy training program.
There are two main areas of specialization in physiotherapy. The first is in soft tissue disorders and the second in sports injuries. Many people confuse physiotherapy with chiropractic care, but they are quite different. While chiropractors diagnose and treat spinal disorders, physiotherapists treat musculoskeletal conditions.
Soft tissue disorders are those that affect the muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones of the body. The most common type of soft tissue disorder is back pain. In this case, physiotherapists use different techniques and medications to help reduce and eliminate back pain. Sometimes, physiotherapists prescribe exercise programs to patients with back pain. Examples of these programs include weight-bearing exercises, passive resistance training, and stretching.
Some patients also have problems with their joints. For this case, physiotherapists use other techniques besides just physiotherapy. These include physical therapy, occupational therapy and occupational massage. In addition to this, they may work on the specific problem area or give advice to patients on how to deal with stress, pain and/or stiffness of specific joints. A physical therapist is often referred to as a sports medicine doctor. They usually treat athletes such as tennis players, golfers and football players.
In terms of soft tissues, they may perform physical therapies including dry needling. Dry needling uses very small needles to stimulate nerves and promote blood flow in the affected area. Dry needling has shown to be effective for both chronic and acute pain. This therapy may be used for example when you have hurt your neck and want to try and stop your headache. In addition to dry needling, some physiotherapists perform transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) on patients with chronic pain.
A relatively new field of medicine called paramedical medicine was developed in the early 1980s. As of today, there are approximately 500 registered physiotherapists in the United States. While physiotherapy has been around for many years, paramedical medicine is relatively new; it was created in response to the growing concern about long-term exposure to physical abuse and negligence.
Physiotherapists are trained to provide basic first aid training to patients who are involved in accidents or suffering from traumatic injuries. If you suffer from a sports related injury or have a physical impairment that affects your ability to perform routine tasks, a physiotherapist can help you regain your ability to perform those tasks. As well, physiotherapists can also help to rehabilitate athletes who have suffered an injury that limits their ability to participate in athletic events. The goals of physiotherapy include relieving pain, improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, increasing range of motion and strength, and increasing endurance. In order to achieve these goals, physiotherapists employ a wide range of techniques including massage, hydrotherapy, exercise, weights, and stretches.
It should be noted that physiotherapy is a specialty area of health care, requiring a certain amount of schooling and training. Many physicians assistants begin their careers as PA’s and obtain on-the-job training in several of the specialties offered by their specific facility. Other PA’s will pursue a bachelor’s degree and go on to become full-time physiotherapists, performing tasks similar to that of a chiropractor. While a chiropractor treats the spine and muscles of the body in general, a physical therapist provides assistance to a patient’s joints and other supportive structures. Whatever your interests, there are many rewarding areas of health care to choose from including: